Why personal accident insurance is essential

September 1, 2023 foto.jpg

It is wise to properly insure yourself for unexpected events. Consider medical expenses, dental costs, permanent disability as well as death. Accident insurance ensures that you and your family are financially protected. Investing in personal accident insurance gives you peace of mind that, should something happen, you will not have unexpected expenses and your loved ones will be supported.


Dental expenses:

Basic insurance does not cover costs for adults but only for children up to age 18. Dental accident insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to your teeth caused after an accident.


Medical expenses:

One of the most important aspects of accident insurance is coverage for medical expenses. Accident insurance usually covers medical expenses caused by an accident, such as ambulance costs, hospitalization, physical therapy, wheelchairs, crutches, etc.


Permanent disability:

If you become a victim of a serious accident and become permanently disabled, this can result in loss of income and additional expenses. Accident insurance provides a fixed amount or a predetermined benefit as compensation for permanent disability. This money can be used to cover essential expenses and make life as comfortable as possible. When you purchase accident insurance, you can often choose from a variety of benefit options. When you become permanently disabled due to an accident, a certain percentage of disability is determined. This determines the compensation you will receive.



The most heartbreaking scenario for which accident insurance protects is death. In this case, insurance offers support to your dependents. It can help cope with the financial burden.


What is not covered:

Please note; there must truly be an accident, or no amount will be paid. When there is death or disability due to an illness, accident insurance cannot be used.