Is health insurance mandatory?

August 11, 2023 foto.jpg

When you live or work in the Netherlands, it is mandatory to have health insurance. It does not matter how old you are. Additional health insurance is not mandatory. When you have had a child, you must register the child within 4 months after birth. For children up to the age of 18 you pay no premium or deductible.


Why is health insurance mandatory?

Everyone in the Netherlands has a right to health care.

Since the 1st of January, 2006, the government has therefore stipulated in the Health Insurance Act that everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands must at least have basic insurance.


What is included in a basic insurance?

The current basic package includes: GP care, emergency care, psychological care, specialist care and medicines. Here you can think of the visit of a general practitioner, hospital stay, operations, ambulance transport and most medicines. The basic package changes every year.


Why take out supplementary insurance?

Additional insurance is not mandatory but it is something to think about.

This could be for glasses, lenses, orthodontics, dentistry, extra physiotherapy, alternative medicine or pregnancy You can think about the visit of a general practitioner, hospitalization, operations, ambulance transport and most medicines.