Facts and fables about your basic health insurance

December 1, 2023 foto.png

Many misconceptions exist regarding how health insurance works and what it does or doesn't cover. In this blog, we will examine some common facts and fables.


Every health insurance is the same

Fable: There are a lot of health insurers in the Netherlands, each offering different policies. These policies can vary in coverage, premiums, and service quality. It is essential to compare health insurance options and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Example: One health insurer may provide comprehensive coverage for physiotherapy, while another may not. If you require regular physiotherapy, this can be a crucial factor in selecting your insurance.


A higher deductible is always more cost-effective

Fable: While it is possible to voluntarily increase your deductible, it may not always be the best choice. A higher deductible means lower monthly premiums, but you'll have to pay more out of pocket when you need medical care. Finding a balance between your premium and deductible based on your financial situation and health is essential.

Example: If you expect low medical expenses, a higher deductible might lead to savings. However, if you require frequent healthcare, it could end up costing you more.


You can always switch health insurance

Fable: In the Netherlands, you can switch to another health insurance plan only once a year, typically between mid-November and late December. There are exceptions for specific situations, such as moving or turning 18 years old.


Dental care is never covered by the basic insurance

Fable: Dental care is covered by the basic insurance for individuals under 18 years old. If you are 18 or older, you usually have to cover most dental costs yourself. However, there are exceptions, such as when having a wisdom tooth removed or requiring a full denture, for which you can receive coverage from the basic insurance. Always check the policy terms for certainty.


Medications are covered by the basic insurance

Fact: Most medications prescribed by your general practitioner or treating specialist are covered. You may still be required to make a co-payment, and some insurers may limit coverage to specific brands or types of medications.


Healthcare allowance is available for lower incomes

Fact: The government provides healthcare allowances to individuals with lower incomes to assist them in covering the costs of health insurance. The amount of the healthcare allowance depends on your income, assets, and family situation.


Health insurance is mandatory in the Netherlands

Fact: It is mandatory to have basic health insurance if you reside or work in the Netherlands. This basic package covers essential medical care, such as doctor’s visits and emergency care.



Conclusion: Being well informed about your health insurance is crucial to make the best choices for your health and finances. By understanding the facts and fables surrounding health insurance, you can make informed decisions when selecting your coverage and ensure you receive the necessary care without unexpected surprises.